Well, Poydras came through...
I knew they would.

And ... My intuition was correct.
Global Capital - is the party with interest.

I had an inkling they would be - just by researching
the former deals Poydras made in 2014

I think its a perfect marriage. I really do.


Poydras is just a phone call away from capital funding.
And the capital funding party -
is now even more involved with Poydras
and that to me... Is a vested interest.

And i have to say.... I like this... a lot !

It possibly could streamline any future funding -  and this is a crucial aspect.
Especially in these fast paced markets that i've studied the past few days.

It will give the Majors a run for their monies - on the basis
of having the funds in place - to enact on any future deals and contracts.

I think the KEY CLUE is the $20,000 a month financial advisory fee
has been not mentioned on this board - in plight of its benificial  role.

I tend to favor the $20,000 a month advisory fee - in terms of
it involves the Capital firm - on a daily basis - and that to me spells out
that this Capital firm could be very partial to this Casino market.

Which - means they'll be as aggressive - as Poydras.

Lets face it - slot machines are a predictable income - and
can be a predictive cash stream - based on volume likability and  usery.
Its all about long term Casino floor space contracts - with heavy consumer traffic.
statistical stats of - each week day - weekend - and per hour stats.

Poydras is at 50% - already....
Their 3 year goal was 5000 machines....

I say - hang on to your hats...
this ride just may get interesting...

Meaning - if Poydras achieved - 2500 slot machine placements this fast.....
Then what else can they achieve?

Hey.. they have a Capital firm on their side thats taken a serious
interest as an advisory role.... not to mention - has stake in the company with shares...


I have not yet come across any other company like Poydras...
Theres just the makers of thr slots
The Majors - casino firms already established

Poydras is extremely unique...
and wayyyy under valued.

In my opinion - if Poydras contines to secure floor space
and secures major capital to invest in casinos -= readily and availavle
cash that can be implemented on demand.... to secure contracts quickly
and adopts the mind set of JV  with a casino developer like the one or another
 that ive posted - poydras could very well - capture a good percentage of the markets.

I will provide some more leads now and then - and as you can see there
 out there - but in my opinion - its to go after the contracts while its still a
vision in the mind of the Tribe.  Forming these sort of relations
relations that are a sort of agreeence even before the casino is built will
allow Poydras to capture the contracts and place Poydras - in the league they deserve.

To think - i havenet even tackled the race tracks current
or future development race tracks

What i see now in the industry - is Natives - many of them
coming forward wanting their status
meaning - to be a recognized Tribe.

Forming relations with such pre Tribal Nations
and providing them with a full turn key service and with financing and po
ssible casino development... would be a great mission statement to adhere by.

I would also like to see thr advisory team - even hire a few
hired to solicite to Tribal Nations - to capture future leads - contracts....

No one person can do it all... the market is too diverse in Nature -
Especially when covering all licended states and Canada.

I would also like to see Poydras - entertain over seas markets...
Theres lots of untapped clients world wide....

To conclude....
Im happy Poydras chose to hook up with a capital firm.
It will be interesting - to see what they can achieve....

So - i wait..
and  hope Poydras lives up to their Agressive promise
There's certainly Casino leads and future business out there
Lets see what this team can do.

Cheers !