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Coniagas Battery Metals Inc. T.COS

Primary Symbol: V.COS Alternate Symbol(s):  CNBMF

Coniagas Battery Metals Inc. is a Canada-based exploration and mining company. The Company is focused on nickel, copper, and cobalt in northern Quebec. It is advancing Graal Nickel & Copper Project. The Graal Nickel & Copper Project (the Property) is located in the north of Saguenay Lac St-Jean region. It is comprised of 110 map-designed claims covering 6,113 hectares. The Property is also located at 190 kilometers (km) north from the seaport terminal of Grande-Anse (Saguenay).

TSXV:COS - Post by User

Post by BetterCallSaulon May 22, 2015 1:48pm
Post# 23755113

As I suspected....oil stocks will end Green

As I suspected....oil stocks will end GreenSell in May go away almost over......Buy in June and stay in Tune starting.........May/NDP sellers have been flushed out, smart money holding tight and buying more.
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