At some time whether it be soon or several years down the road, this property will be appropriated into a world class mine. You can't let something this substantial fall by the wayside. Right now the economic cycle is in a mess and hence the share price. I'm to old but if i was in my twenties or thirty's I would accumulate as much as I could. You could be looking at a possible teen value when this becomes a mine. That could be a multiple of 100-200 of whatever you invest. This might take 5-10 years but if early retirement is very important to you this is a good shot. Saving 5 to 10 thousand a year in an rrsp over 20-30 years at an average of 5% yield will only get you enough for only a few years of retirement. Plus its just down right depressing. Don't repeat what I and most indivduals do. If this isn't the stock you feel warm to there are lots of others but atleast don't waste your time in mutual funds.