RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:LayoffsThis is a painful experience for all and all should feel it. All consultants and employees of the oil company will just have to get used to less. I know its happening as we speak but it has to be deep and effective. There is no where left to go. There is only 18 rigs working in SE Sask and Man and it might even go lower.
The very talented people are just not needed as much so in that supply and demand environment wages and benefit must drop. Lots of talented people available for 30% less easy.
2 degree miss on a horizonal is a miss but what does that have to do with anything. That is the directional drillers and not the company consultant. Everyone can do the job as before with 70 rigs running there were hz wells getting drilled just fine b4. So what about all those people sitting at home or working at other jobs. Lots of people are well qualified.
Its painful but the reset button must get hit.