RE:Will we see 10 again withWhile there is a question of working capital needs that were highlighted in the results and with the cautious tone of the recent CC with respect to 3D tech licensing revenue prospects and the fact that their own growth targets for 3DGo users hadn't yet been met, I'd expect the share price to stay in these levels as the market will be expecting a PP. I think the deadline of the warrants that Sailor mentioned may now have gone, so the warrant holders may also be expecting a further PP at a discount to whatever the price is around the time of the PP. I don't see that a loan is possible as there is still insufficient visibility cash flow to make a loan holder comfortable it will be paid back based on the combined tech licensing and 3DGo rental revenue being around $100K/qtr against $750K/qtr in operating expense (as in the last financials). I agree that any news that alleviates the concerns over the need for a PP (i.e. deals with actual $ attached to them where the $ are earned, not spent) should change the market sentiment. The next quarterly results from June-August are due before the end of this month aren't they?