OK, Everyone Calm the F%&# DownIAE is up because Brent is up and has zero to do with the Q3 report. Brent won't stabilie anywhere near $55.00 until mid-2016 if we get lucky. Once Brent drops back below $50.00 which it will in short order (and will stay there for a goodly amount of time) IAE will follow it. Aside from some kind of outright war inside Saudi Arabia, the price of Brent will be very soft for the next 6-12 months and we will not see much price movement in IAE until we get MUCH, MUCH closer to the FPF-1 being completed at the end of March. My predition is sometime in mid-Feb we will start to see the IAE share price start to significanly rise and not back track.
As well, IAE IS NOT in tne penalty box. IAE share price simply reflects the general consensus that the oil and gas market is NOT where the majority of the market wants to put their mone right now. If I had a nickel for everytime that this board has predicted that IAE is on the verge of a major breakout, I'd be a fri' cken billionaire.