Why cgc is an easy target for short selling company?
1, Its hype -- cgc was the first public company in pot industry, so it attracts lot of eyeballs. The CEO of cgc likes to appear on the media and publish very ambitious goals and the media coverage will drive lot of Pap/Mom investors into buying mood
2, Its poor financial planning -- cgc is great at acquiring companies. But at this early stage of market development, it needs a great financial strength to achieve good result. Unfortunately, cgc's balance sheet is not looking promising without diluting its shares
3, Revenue -- CGC 's market cap is much bigger than MT and APH combined but its revenue is less than MT + APH. And its registered patients number is less than MT and APH combined.
4, From the chart, you can see it falls into the pump/dump scheme. It went up in a very short period of time and then slowly faded into dusts when the fever was over.
It is a trading stock, not a investment stock so far.
I would consider MT and APH more appropriate for long term investment.
My 2 cents of opinion