Photos from CH7I've added the photos from ch7 onto the blog site --
CH7 kimberlite Link
The 2.18, 1.24, 0.64 from Domain 1 and the 0.51 from domain 5 look all decent...I guess they would be called off-white since you can't see how good of quality is within the stone themselves.
The third photo is the most interesting. It takes a handfull of stones from 0.25 to 0.45 carats from the 50 tonne bulk sample.
Has a few very clear macles (4 of them) at the top that are very similar to what KDI had.
Have 5 more very decent oval/sphereical...trying to be a bit octahedron...offwhite stones.
Then 1 more brown stone. Clearly brown..but clearly an octahedron and very reminiscent of the CH6 stones...other then the brown factor.
The domain 5 diamond again is off-white..but looks like it is trying to clear inside...which you can't tell.
Then we have the infamous and missing 6.53 carat stone with a description:
6.53 carat grey, translucent distorted crystal. Probably very opaque and not anywhere close to gem quality.
The 4th stone in the 50 tonne bulk was:
0.98-carat off-white, transparent octahedroid. That doesn't sound too bad.
0.98-carat off-white, transparent octahedroid.