??TRADING?? ODOR? SELL/TAX LOSS SELLWe have seen these recent surge and patterns of trading before, especially when there may be a desire, by ?????, to unload shares and find the unsuspecting buyer. Take a look, over the past few years of these same patterns of trading, demand?? selling?? .<br /> <br /> Ask yourself why would any investor want to buy FNR, refer to their published financials, refer to the 2014 Auditors report - Letter - EMPHASIS of MATTER, on Going Concern in the future.<br /> <br /> Look at FNR's portfolio - ILLIQUID - very low priced bouncing on the lows - such as holdings in OMM, EPL, DNI, GCR, WTR, CZC, WGF - all are Illiquid based on the hstory of public trading.<br /> <br /> FNR along with every other Resource Company/Mining need CASH especially FNR's business model of investments - they need CASH AND LIQUIDITY<br /> <br /> Comapnies are trying to sell Resource Assets, plenty on the market, refer to BHP, Glenncore and many others trying to sell assets. The we have Companies filing for bankrupticies, especially energy companies, around the globe.<br /> <br /> FNR is not alone - the whole Resource sector is in trouble<br /> <br /> Would suggest, based on my humble opinion, SELL or TAX Loss Sell while their is some liquidity - BUT the BIG QUESTION is can you sell in this demand, is the demand real??<br /> <br /> All the above in my humble opinion and based on Financial and Resource MKTS, Trading histories, Sedar Filings, public comments by FNR MGMT.