Try this math...27%-18%=9% and 9%/18%= +50% (i.e., better) The drug related to the figure "27%" was just voted down at its AdCom meeting. The drug related to the figure "18%" is FDA approved. The former drug (at 27%) is also considerably more safe for patents and medical staff. Comparison is for exactly the same indication. Now bold this date on your calendar (unless HT just started his value-add countdown): FDA's PDUFE review/decision for MCNA > Feb. 27-16. Excerpts re stats: 1) "In a subpopulation of subjects with CIS-containing disease who received MCNA treatment, 27% of subjects experienced CR at 6 months that appeared to be durable without cystectomy." Source: FDA Briefing Document, pg 46. 2) Valstar clinical trial results: "In the 90 study patients with BCG-refractory carcinoma in situ (CIS), 16 patients (18%) had a complete response at 6 months."