MCNA estimated/projected gross margins....Red...We'll be saving lives, and ....... Just adding a tad more detail to previous posters' answers (and including sources for background info). Regarding MCNA, share price and mkt cap...."if FDA approves it, they will come". The simple version: Gross Margin 90% to 95% range. Source John Ford's article (excerpt below). More detailed version: 21-24 installations at up to $4,000 per dose. Revenue $84,000 - $96,000. Source for installations (link below, slide 12)** Source for cost of dose: I heard it either at AGM in 2014 and/or on Bristol Conference call. Do not know royalty figure. ------------------------------------------- - *Quote from John Ford's article" "But what really makes Telesta such a compelling trade is that the margins for MCNA are in the 90% to 95% range. It costs very little to make the drug." ---- Question/verification already asked and answered by John Ford (And an added note from me...I have to believe these are gross margins not net)....Author's reply directly below.... Sorry additional question...where did you obtain the margin % range figures referencing sentence below? Didn't see this in source you indicated for market size. "But what really makes Telesta such a compelling trade is that the margins for MCNA are in the 90% to 95% range. It costs very little to make the drug." ..........John H. Ford Authors reply The margin information came from the company. --------- **