RE:New information from trusteeI think what the report shows is that the patent value was around $350K and that this cash is being used to fund the operations of the business. In the cash flow forecast there is a decent amount going out to fund the ongoing operations of 3DGo, presumably to whomever is hosting the service (Neulion?) to keep the lights on while they try to sell it as a going concern. I don't know whether these administrator reports are delivered regularly however the one after Feb 15th will be interesting to read as it will give insight into how many of the 30+ companies they approached about 3DGo signed the NDA as a pre cursor to the due diligence and also whether any offers were received by the mid February deadline. Given that the patents didn't provide sufficient sale value to do anything other than fund the wind down, it seems that the creditors are going to struggle to see any value returned if there are no purchasers for 3DGo. The 3DGo data in the teaser indicates that the revenue in October - December 2015 was around $50K from a user base in the high 30 thousands (they missed their 50K user target by the end of 2015). Anyone doing their due diligence will then deduct the studios' share of the $50K as well as the share to Samsung/LG (which is normally around 30%) so even at 50K, the net profit is slim (around $2-3K/month) as compared to the cost of acquiring the content. At the same time, if some of the studios like Disney are impacted by the creditor squeeze, anything Sensio has pre-paid for the rights to their movies may not automatically transfer to any purchaser.