RE:Let me ask you a question I have a honda crx (toy), ford f150 x2, saturn, an evinrude 120 hp, a honda quad, and a skidoo (the best) never failed me yet on 4 years of hard driving. Bought used.
The difference that i look for is new technology. Not overhauled beast like the american makes. If bombardier built cars i would buy them.
I dont really care if the division is sold. Then they can focus on the business class again. But either way, i have confidence that the senior members of the family are livid. But bombardier is very good at making a market where there is none. I would not discount them yet. Not yet, all investments are great at the bottom of the curve.
I got lots of silver stocks 6 months ago that people were throwing out the window. Regretting it no doubt.