RE:The Colombian Constitutional Court............. Thank You SocialMediaKing for the clear Vanguardian article translation.
Seems that Eco Oro's PINES status will nolonger qualify for "Fast Track" Environ Permits. I do not see any issues with the overturned "restitution" aspect. BUT this "prior consultation" will be an undoing of any advantage Eco Oro or any other PINES project once had.
This reverting back to Local Land Use regulations is a Pandora's Box without doubt. Local controls always build barriers, especially if motivated by idealogues in the minority, but very largely vocal. What a mess. Do the Local Authrorities actually HAVE land use regs or were they just State imposed "boiler plate" ordinances? If not legally tested then anyone can simply throw a wrench into any works underway. This would turn into a slow road to nowhere, which we have been on for far too long.
Seems to me that this Court has essentially negated the more beneficial articles of Statues 1753 & 1450. If Court is what they want then so be it. Let's proceed with our own Court actions. The take one step ahead for two steps back will never surfice, that is perfectly clear at this point & actually has been for many years now.
Honestly Eco Oro has clear & substantive evidence that their land isn't even in the Paramo either by boundary OR definitions in a 1:2,000 intensive report, but Colombia would much prefer using the highly generalized, "throw a dart" reports from the Humbolt at 1:20,000 to determine the Paramos. We must stop wasting time & burning precious cash. If they want a confrontation they should have it, with Eco Oro's well documented reports, wastewater systems friendly community efforts, respectful poise on & on etc. woefully coupled with Colombia's evident unilateral stone walling, & deceptive Political/Judicial shell games, there is no time to waste any longer. We need to get them to a neutral table with the World watching, then & only then will Eco Oro either receive the permitting in a timely fashion OR prevail in time through Arbitration.