The Bruce Nuclear Generating Station is one of three nuclear facilities in the province. It provides roughly one-third of Ontario’s electricity and consists of two generating stations (Bruce A and Bruce B) with a total of eight nuclear units.
After being refurbished, Bruce A Units 1 and 2 were restarted in 2012, bringing an additional 1,500 MW of baseload capacity online through to 2036.
Further refurbishments are planned for the remaining units in Bruce A and for the Bruce B units.
The 2013 Long-Term Energy Plan estimated that nuclear power would provide about 50 percent of Ontario’s electricity over the 20 years of the plan. While the Pickering Nuclear Generating Facility is expected to go offline in 2020, the Bruce site refurbishments are aligned with those of the nuclear facility at Darlington, to ensure reliability of supply today while continuing to meet future needs for the next few decades.
Bruce Power Agreement - December 2, 2015
The IESO has updated its contract with Bruce Power. The new agreement will enable the refurbishment of six nuclear units.