take it from an ex longin the last year i can remeber 3-4 occurances where this thing popped only to go to new lows every time. Management does not communicate with its retial SH, Lord knows if they do with the big guys. 5B+ in debt with 1/3 production leaving in 2 months.
If you guys review the last 6.5 offer that was given you will see how this companies management gives 0 cares about you.
I took my loses and walked away regardless if there an opprutunity here. The Risk is just to high, your better off taking your losses and going into a company like BTE where management actully care.
Anyways its your money do what you want with it, I can tell you from a stress view when i caught the chance to move from PRE to BTE, I sleep a whole lot better being long there.