same old same oldwell i will give you props Stockgod, or is it thatslife, or is it brucecounty, i am confused , anyways you werfe right there was news coming down the pipes not what everyone wanted though. strike one , a small PP who knows what they will do with that , not much, strike 2 more dilution from debt, the debt came from these clowns not getting paid for the last 2 years . so you can bet there will be more debt. hopefully there is no strike 3 because that will signal that this management is up to its same old tricks. I do hope for the many good people on this site that there will be some good news.
Please dont base your DD on StockGod or his other band of merry idiots.
Its to bad such great properties with so much potential but wrong management team all they care is about themselves and not about the shareholders. sure hope i am wrong but they have not proved me wrong for the last 5-6 years