'The Voice' strikes again!!!!---Hiliary Clinton puts in her 2c worth & slams another price gouger.
---US Senate &/or congress want in on this...
'Congress and Hillary Clinton are now joining the fight against the soaring cost of Mylan Inc.’s EpiPens. In the past few years, the cost of the EpiPen, which is used as a live-saving treatment for allergic reactions, has risen to $614 for two pens, up from $100 for the pair. Recently, Senator Amy Klobuchar, a Minnesota Democrat, called for a hearing on the price increase and earlier this week, Sen. Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican, wrote a letter to Heather Bresch, chief executive officer of Mylan, asking for justification for the increased pricing, citing consumer concerns. “I am concerned that the substantial price increase could limit access to a much-needed medication,’ Grassley wrote.'
---CEO of Mylan will be gone soon as she will probably use as the reason for her departure...I do not want to be a distraction in the recovery process of Mylan.
---and you thought 'The Voice' had forgotten didn't you! Au contraire mon ami. She lives!!!
---no company will be spaired in the run-up to the US election & this incident may have just rejuvenated the election campaign as it seemed to have gone dormat.