^The 800k oz they've defined so far is contained within the pink area labeled "Kilgore Deposit". The high grade Crab Claw target is immediately NW of the Kilgore Deposit and is open at depth. You can see that there are multiple targets defined along the Northwest Fault and the Bearcat Fault. I leave the ultimate resource size up to your imagination. As for price action on drill news... look at $GSV.
$GSV intersected 126m of 3.95 g/t Au and the company doubled to C$830m market cap. $OOO announced in January that it had hit 94.5m of 3.79 g/t Au (IMPORTANT: Hole bottomed in mineralization) and here it sits at C$40m.
$OOO has been drilling for over a month now... watch what happens when they put out drill results.