If anyone here wants to buy or sell and provide liquidity-Far be it from me to stop you. People buy & sell for lots of valid reasons: Shoes for the baby; Tuition is due; To take a little profit off the table; For a vacation; Inherited shares; To pay taxes due; IRA distributions; and yes in hopes of buying shares back cheaper. That's what makes a market. Don't misunderstand me, I am not trashing NUG.
Here are 4 possible drivers:
1. The correction in gold may continue, ...or not.
2. Speaking of corrections, this stock hasn't had much of one since it was around U.S. $.20 a month ago.
3. When everyone is sure of the next move, look out.
4. If the S&P drops 15% one day in October, will NUG be unharmed? Good luck.