What to do now. I am long...First, sorry for my poor english.
Second, Titoo is on my ignore lgnore list (no respond necessary from you). You always push on the nail with the same arguments. The same bla-bla-bla. Always negative. I like all opinion but you say that this company own nothing and you hope buy lower. Na-na-na... Ok for him, I'm long on HCG, where are the longs now... I do not think the house market will go to nowhere. There will always some buyers. Some clients will not pass the test with big banks will go to some companies like HCG to have a non-insured. More, I like the dividend and buyback of shares. I'm I too optimist, hum-hum... Finally, I switch some buy and sale between HCG and EQB to make a little bit money... Any ideas about here, I hope.