Revenue sharing agreementThe best way to make this work is to develop a revenue sharing framework. Industry, govt and first natons each getting a piece of the pie after expenses are paid and capital investment returned. The first nations people can decide what they want to do with their portion - invest in roads, schools, broadband, electricty, water etc. money should be placed in a trust and full transparency in what the money is spent on - so that there is no question where the money was spent.
200 years of mining (minimum) means 200 + years of prosperity but we need shovels in the ground. Someone needs to project this cash flow and rev sharing and show the nations what this means to their future. Once they see that they need to act earlier rather than later to see the benefits in their life time, they will move faster.
Build a railway, that is the most economical means to developing the chromite. Hyperloop will be too capital intensive. Rail also allows dual direction travel - people, supplies. Slurry pipe is only single direction. East west road will only get us Eagle nest, and we eventually will still need a rail system. So bite the bullet and start laying down tracks.
Just my opinion. Btw Mongolia finally figured it out with the Oyu Toigoi mine. We are a much more developed and smarter nation...... Why is it taking so long? Someone should discuss this as a case study.