theinvestor22 wrote: I've got notwrong on ignore because he was basically a one trick pony, grousing about percieved pumpers trying to fool the investing public, without differentiating between reasonable positivity and malicious intent. In other words, he tilted at all windmills and tarred everyone with the same brush.
It seems people are now calling him out because of issues with his calculations.
You know, investing is basically a numbers based business. To not be good with numbers is truly unfortunate but, if he really can't do thorough numbers based due diligence, it means that he has no business investing. I mean that as a kindness.
If, once upon a time, because of an inability to analyze financials and determine fair value, notwrong got persuaded to buy something that others were truly pumping, and he subsequently got burned, I can see why he'd develop an aversion to positivity. Unfortunately, if you're not good at numbers, you can't tell being justly positive from malicious pumping.
NHC is a fast growing company with potential. To say that it's undervalued is a gross understatement, IMHO. Lots of numbers have been posted here to support that conclusion. I'm sure I've posted some of them over the years.
Notwrong, perhaps there's something better you can do with your time...
figbranch wrote: take turn licking one another...yuck. stinky.