It's a shame and pure bad luck/odds on horseI guess the first thing that comes to mind is that the TSX-V has had an inordinate amount of bad luck plays going back to the mid-1990's
We shareholders, here, were on the verge of a dark horse-how many penny stocks are partnered with Exxon Mobil and carred for 120 million and Exxon does not farm out its 83%!!!!
I want to know if anyone has heard from mgmt or London posters concerning the 2nd well?
It is a two well program so we might get another shot on goal and Exxon is under pressure from shareholders and SEC concerning its stated oil reserves
Secondly, if I remember a few things from my oil days (all from memory and hopefully relevant) ... sometimes the seismic will produce either a false poisitive of oil, which might also be an indicator that the oil was once there in the "visual" resevoir-but then seeped out ... another is that the odds on this well hitting were only 2 out of 10 or 20%
So we all got excited thinking this is a sure thing .... wrong
I still hold a ton of shares and hope that we have Exxon on board for a second well and that we have another shot on goal with off-shore Nigeria
Time for management to be a bit transparent in 2017, as much as is allowed
Best and Happy New Year-