The numbers don't liewhen you add them up... 2 scenarioes using 1500 tpd fromTriangle at 3 and 5 g cut offs grades from RE report...
3gpt/cut off grade :7.01 x 1500 tpd = 10,515g /31.1 = 338.10 oz/day x 355 days = 120,026 oz anualy
5gpt/ cut off grade:8.96 x 1500 tpd = 13,440g /31.1 = 432.15 oz/day x 355 days = 153,414 oz anualy
Now the reason I'm adding only 355 days is due to downtime, but in reality you could go with 365 days of yearly production as the mill has extra capacity to 2,400 tpd and any mill regular shutdowns wouldn't be a burden as they could just ramp up daily ptoduction....The difference grade makes eh ... gltal