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Eco Oro Minerals Corp C.EOM

Alternate Symbol(s):  GYSLF

Eco Oro Minerals Corp. is a Canadian precious metals exploration and development company. The Company was focused on the development of the Angostura Project in northeastern Colombia, which consists of the main Angostura deposit and its five satellite prospects. The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Arbitration Claim became the core focus of the Company.

CSE:EOM - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by $HAWKon Feb 15, 2017 12:43pm
Post# 25849690

This CBJ action is NOT GLW's

This CBJ action is NOT GLW's Direct from GLW 's inside this is not any of GLW's reserved holdings, this acquisition is 10 km from GLW, and is possible that Mubadala is working parts of CBJ's interested properties.
Bullboard Posts