MJ Provincial Distribution NOT yet knownIt is my understanding and I may be mistaken but the pending legislation will give clarity on Federal production of Cannabis but altering the criminal code and reclassification of the drugs known as THC and CBD etc MC The task force was not certain whether there would be one or two legal framework to cover the existing Medical access and the new Recreational access Furthermore it will be left the provinces to control and regulate the distribution and legal age 18 or 19 or even 25 from what I understand Given this current uncertainty it is premature to speculate what pharmacy can dispense and what LP can dispense For example the province may regulate that only users with a valid doctor prescription for cannabis can enter a pharmacy to have it filled and don't forget the pharmacist will charge a dispensing fee on top of theach marked up cost per gram so the profit for LP may not be a generic low cost product but a specific combination of THC CBD and other research based branded medicinal compilation which would NOT be for recreational use but to treat specific malady with pharmacist training as CMED just arranged with 700 Pharma Choice stores so Aphria or Tweed would have to offer medical value added components to their production Next if Aphria had a definitive agreement with Shoppers would Tweed Bedrocan not be able to sell their products there is a patient has a valid doctor prescription or where could they go Next if the provinces direct that recreational users can purchase directly from the LP as is current then who would have the advantage a low cost substandard high or a more expensive great high where the brand is more important than cost If you have the means do you present Dom Perignon champagne or Spumante Bambino to your well heeled friends After the legal framework is presented in the Spring even before being passed into law we will ALL have a better evidenced based argument on whice LP and other ancillary companies will thrive in the historic end of Cannabis Prohibition Strap on the seat belts for the ride of your life