No matterHow you slice it, management has been dropping news on a fairly consistent basis since the start of the year. I first read about DOG a few months ago and jumped in when I heard about the "offers" on Trove. I increased my position on the news of a "third offer". The most intruiging parts about this story is the low float, the action taking place on all sides of this property not to mention where it sits geologically, samples or no samples.
People are constantly reminiscing about the 700 000+ shares management flipped into the news of the "offers". Does this team that most of us have bought into make boat loads of cheddar? I don't know for sure but from reading some of the posts, it doesn't seem that way. I haven't a clue what those shares were worth when she purchased them, but is it unrealistic to think she didn't triple her investment upon sale? Just because management is running a penny company doesn't mean they aren't human and have bills to pay and families to support. Another interesting point on the share business is how many shares she still holds...enough said.
Back to the original script, there hasn't been an indication of the "specifics" which some seem to be losing sleep over. There HAS however been dialogue of the ongoing operations of the company and an indication that the Trove story hasn't passed us by. Financiers, parties interested in the Trove project and geologists? Is this not sufficient communication. Managements responsibility is to create value for shareholders and this is done through the operation of the company which is what seems to be happening. With the transactions for properties that involve issuance of shares, does that constitute reasons for a P&D? That is ridiculous ideology and anyone buying into that is a goon.
Is there opportunity moving forward? Absolutely! If someone tries to deny this they better offer serious, well versed, educated, factual reasoning. If they say it's because of us not knowing what's going on they're eyes are turning brown as they're full of you know what. I want to say more, but will not. Additional and alternative perspective is encouraged.