RE:where would the "legal" pot market be without activists?just a few corrections, really,
Emery is not an activist, he is both an opportunist and a criminal
emery does not sell medical cannabis, anyone in canada can have medical cannabis,
there is no such thing as a constitutionnal right to grow recreational cannabis, only medical cannabis.
many many research will come in the good effect of medical cannabis, recreational cannabis will make a lot of dumb people, well, dumber. but at least it will help keep the drug out of children's hand and money out of criminals pocket
rrocking wrote: many many people have fought to end the prohabition. many lives lost and jailed. i am investing in weed because of these brave people. marc emery will always be prince of pot. he has paid dearly for our freedom. many people will be healed with weed and again thanks to the liberalization caused not by our wayward governance. but by marc and people like him. if you are investing in legal pot it is because of him, not despite him. we have a constitional right to grow our own medicine and recreational herbs. government control is a lie we are all investing in. beer and wine can be made and sold at farmers markets in b.c. one day weed will too. get over yourselves.
you can buy tortured hormone laced meat at your local grocer or toxic cigarettes but you cant buy weed because too many people have their heads up their asses. jmho