MOS moving forwardThe CEO of MOS is the largest shareholder so he is very cognizant of dilution. This company is an a period of fast growth. Mobi724 has confidence that they can deliver more value than any dilution impact...(and yes I have this direct from the CEO). Their Global efforts and prospects will no doubt demand a very healthy balance sheet that conveys that they have the financial capacity to deliver. These funds will allow Mobi724 the financial flexibility to execute their very solid sales pipeline without incurring any delays to the business plan. GMP has shown confidence in Mobi724 by funding the bought deal. MOS has the money in the coffers and there is no pp to look for participants to fill it. It is done in as much as the money changes hands on the closing date which can be any day. The marketing of those shares by GMP is GMP's concern going forward... and evidently they believe fully they will have no problem doing so. They are potentially fronting 11.4 million dollars up front in buying these shares at 0.35. That isn't even a discount based on where it has been recently trading. Watch for strategic execution and a PR role out of developments. This is going to be a fantastic ride!