RE:RE:29,000 patients in last financial results of Feb 14. Today ?Look BEHIND THE NUMBERS For example in Feb Cannimed reported 20,000 registered patients but only 11,000 active ordering patients. Some L.P will report previously registered but not mention how many are actually ordering. Next factor is the value per patient. For example if Organigram has only 3000 patients that are all veterans and they order the cap 3 g per day or 90 g per month at $ 8 all covered by the federal VA that is $ 24 x 365 x 3000 = over $ 24 .million whereas Aphria could report 20,000 registered patients and only 15000 active users hat order 15 g per month at 8 per g = about $ 21 million whichbis what they just reported at $ 5 million per quarter. Next factor is how many current medical users who do not have insurance coverage will revert to recreational users as many already are masquerading as to get their high. IT REMAINS to be seen how these "NUMBERS of Patients" actually translate to sales and furthermore profit margins after taxes and distribution cost if third parties are involved at retail points The share price of $ 16 next year July 2018 is feasible but fair value after the dust settles this summer is $ 8.50