Corporate Restructuring and OutlookMost of us that have invested in Cordy have probably read the 2016 Q4 Earnings report so I won't bother to repost it here. But I do want to highlight one sentence from the Corporate Restructuring and Outlook paragraph which highlights the most significant factor about Cordy oilfield services and that is acquisitions! Historically this is how they built Cordy up in 2006 and ran the share price up to $6.50. It takes no time at all to build revenue through acquisitions, most investors will look at Cordy's business and then the industry and assume it will be years before they build revenue back up and that is only if the oil industry continues to rebound. They completely overlook the acquistion trail.
Cordy's focus for 2017 will include reducing idle equipment through aggressive sale strategy and seeking an acquisition of a synergistic company.