Relax this is old news I am very disappointed with people in this group. I can't even get a peaceful night away from the computer without panic. Have people not read my article? There is only so much hand holding I can do. You have to do your part in using your head.…/4937502-first-global-data-three-…
Look it's all there, dilution from the debt conversion included. You say you didn't know it was at 10 cents? Well calculate what $3.7M for 37 million shares is. This was all done at a time when the share price was around there. So don't blame management for this. If you want to blame someone, blame the exchange for taking 6 months to file this.
As far as worrying about dumping after insiders get this sweet deal. LOOK who is part of the deal:…/first-global-entering-into-debt-co…
1. Kevin Price, the man who everyone was so happy he just bought 100K shares at 90 cents a few weeks ago…
Do you think he is selling when he just bought $90K worth at 90 cents?
2. Douglas Smith, the man from the Obama administration that everyone is so excited to have on board, plus he also bought but a very small amount.
3. Ray Wieler. Don't really know who he is but if he is like the other guys he won't be in a rush to sell either.