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Aris Mining Corp T.ARIS

Alternate Symbol(s):  CLGDF | T.ARIS.WT.A | ARMN | N.AMNG.NT.U

Aris Mining Corporation is a gold producer in the Americas. The Company is engaged in operating two mines with expansions underway in Colombia. The Segovia Operation is located in the Segovia-Remedios mining district in the department of Antioquia, Colombia, approximately 180 kilometers (km) northeast of Medellin. The Segovia Operations comprises four active underground gold mining operations, which include El Silencio, Sandra K, Providencia, and Carla. It has over 11 titles with a total area of 5,335.58 hectares (ha). The Marmato underground gold mine is located on the west side of the town of Marmato, in Marmato municipality of Caldas Department, in the Republic of Colombia, approximately 80 km from Medellin and 200 km northwest of the capital city of Bogota. The Company is also the operator and 51% owner of the Soto Norte Project, which is advancing to develop a new underground gold, silver and copper mine. In Guyana, it is advancing the Toroparu, a gold/copper project.

TSX:ARIS - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by Mattheuson May 11, 2017 1:23pm
Post# 26232326

RE:PTFEF Significantly Undervalued!!

RE:PTFEF Significantly Undervalued!!Everything is in US dollars as well which makes the gains even more in Canadian dollars....realize the exercising of options puts more money in the bank I just prefer using all potential O/S when calculating things. Undervaluing preferred when calculating. Either way like you said,rest of the holdings getting no value at all....hard to accumulate shares but well worth it
Bullboard Posts