OT - I can't really say that any of my ideas are originalOT (OFF Topic ) - Most are gotten from reading history, outside the history
that any religion explains reality by. Or what I consider distorted professionalism
in the many disciplines, explains things by.
Which to me is like adults talking to children, except the status quo is distorting
the adult explanations of everything too, (ie distorted professionalism in all
disciplines) such that it bogs us down, distorts and garbles things, almost as bad
as childish religious explanations of things, do.
I’m taking an interested 3 rd rate mind and position on all of this. I wish I was 1st
rate with encyclopedia like knowledge. As if schooling is ongoing and I don’t like
how we were schooled, on the explanations of everything. The internet helps us
do that, but contested to confusion and aggravation on everything, that it is still
made difficult to know, what’s what, let alone, become the norm.
Not that I am saying there is no god, essentially good, if very harsh processers
of us, an afterlife and survival of death. I think we should hold those positions and
transparently contradictorily, even if we could prove there is no god and afterlife,
Which there are no proof of those negatives, though both sides emphasize strong
probabilities either way. Belief would still help to give meaning and direction to life
regardless. And if we are holding the contradictions at the same time, we are being
painfully honest. Not lying and messing with minds and lives. It’s one’s choice
after those qualification on the contradictions, with conscience above faith forcing
or ostracizing, if don’t believe how the status quo explains things, religiously and
However I do believe small 's' shamanism religion of the socrates type, is true,
common to all cultures and predates the elites' of all cultures, created
state religions, of big 'S' shamanism, religious figure, religions, like the so called
great religions. Which are basically just selected and sacridized paganism and
reductionism of the number of gods involved. Now mostly 3 in 1 gods, pantheon of
gods types. Which really interferes with the understanding of god and ourselves
and how to reconcile the ying yang or interplay of opposites, meanings and
archetypes in ourselves, reality and even god (ie pantheon of god types, implied
meanings and interplay of opposites, as if god is an opposites opportunity allower
and expresser.
Putting them together the way I do, maybe I'm a little bit original. Not that
I can say that you can read this or that guy/gal on how to explain it, to summarize it
much better or professionally. I just place one link at the very bottom emphasizing
what I think is Tesla’s real advanced culminating physics science, over Plank’s and
Einstein’s quantum and relativity physics.
My thinking is piecemeal selections, and how to put it together, arbitrary, and not to
all's liking. And all have the right to include and leave out what one wants, or to take
a completely different take on it all, both piecemeal and overarching. Most religions
don’t let us do that, or national politica/religious status quo, don’t allow that, and
poker face their position to ad nauseum.
Therefore i'm not saying what to include and not to, or the overarching spin on
them I take, or how to explain them in a historical way, and what should culminate
for the world. are correct. There are going to be many positions on the stuff that i’m
saying, or not agreeing with it at all. Even trying to silence it! Especially if one follows
what I see as elites’ created state religions, explanations of things. Then their
corresponding professionalism positions on all disciplines, to that. Which I think are
all outdated, childish, wrong and dangerous, both on the religious side (small s vs big
S shamanism religion) and professional disciplines side, like physics (ie tesla vs planck
and Einstein), but in economics, humanities, arts, politically, financially, culturally etc.
Each to their own, though!
It's basically piecemeal for me and any of the pieces and how put them together,
can be argued against and taken different positions on, or wanted left out altogether.
So I'm not saying I'm original and right. Everyone will have their take on it all
and the pieces of the puzzle to include or not, or whether should be this or that take
on explanations or not.
It is hard to get what I am saying summarized professionally, and I can't point
to a professional that does, so it can be referenced and explained much better.
I consider myself a 3rd rate mind, who's very interested in thinking the way I do
and wish there was a 1st rate mind with encyclopedia like knowledge, who does.
If for example one is a flat earth believer, essentially from the bible's point of view,
then they believe there is only one solar system in the universe of infinite space, and
not a universe of around 2 trillion galaxies now, that are estimated to be out there.
There is no meeting of minds or compromise in such contrasting takes on everything.
It’s just in effect war, and one wonders on the sanity of the position takers on both
sides, including my side, to be fair. Both sides can question the other’s sanity,
morality and future health and outcome of their soul, as it were.
For the bible believer the outer lights that appear to be other stars and
galaxies of stars, are just an outer sphere surrounding the one solar system
only, universe, with the earth at the center of it. Which prevents the night
time from being pitch black and too frightening. Triggering imaginaion stories
about them, ourselves and reality, still going on today with so called science’s
stories, but only just stories. And one isn't going to get much agreement with
bible believers and their flat earth science type, if you hold the opposite take
on it.
Or if one believes Nikola Tesla's physics and explanation of the universe
and how it got there (aether and god, and form of tesla coil emanation
of helix streams in all direction, with galaxies forming at the cross over nodes)
and is correct over Planck's and Einstein's physics science and big bang
interpretation of how the 2 trillion galaxies and counting, origined, you are
going to be ridiculed, not even given peer review, considered a crack pot and
even dangerous.
Tesla’s physics and explanations didn't win out and you are suppose to consider
yourself wrong, crack pot and harmful, if continue to hold them, if can even find
them. Yikes!!!!!! It’s the internet mostly that you can still find Tesla’s ideas and
positions, in a relatively easy and plentiful way, to do so. But all being contested
confused and garbled, so it is hard to get it down accurately and stay with it,
without being exasperated and quitting.
In fact people would be hard pressed to get a summary of Tesla's real
advanced physics and tesla coil like emanation explanation of the cosmos
and why his physics, religion, wireless energy, antigravity technology (yes
antigravity technology) was rejected by the judeo/xtian status quo. Basically
because it woulld supplant the judeo/xtian elites as the status quo, take over
and change the explanations of everything, and align it as much to the east's
understanding of things as the west's.
Many are saying that the nuclear bombs, nuclear energy and harmful radiation
is not how our big bombs and power plants, designated by the terms nuclear,
work, and there are no such things as fission and fusion bombs, but promoted to
essentially claim planck and einstein are right, and any other explanation like
tesla's and others like him, are wrong. The so called nuclear bombs are city block
busters, but not city destroying bombs. No radiation emerges from them that
could leave the world sterile and baron of life for thousands of years. And no EMP
bombs are there that can disable nations’ electrical grid. Wild life and plant life
comes back very quickly at supposed nuclear bomb and nuclear accident, sites,
not mentioned publicly of course, and can't be of the physics and results, that
nuclear science promotes them as.
Ok, a second link being presented by me, along with the one at the end.
https://centinel2012.com/2017/07/27/chernobyl-and-bikini-atoll-are-rewriting-science/ Therefore such things as the protocol of zion’s 3 world war are still in play, and
not as fictions because of nuclear war leaving the world sterile and inhospitable
for thousands of years. How could you have a jesus Christ return to empire the
planet, if the world was sterile and uninhabitable after a 3 rd world war? Now we
know how, though we don’t know who the jesus Christ character is, since he was
a made up fiction by elites in the west to control and dumb us down, from the
preceding republics, (Rome’s and US’s), that could control them, otherwise. An
alien maybe, or someone who is backed up by Tesla’s true mesmerizing physics
technology, in the background? All in my opinions and take on things.
Another added link:
https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100409152333AANmI1V&page=2 And a 3 rd link showing Tesla’s X-men or X-people like abilities emerging, even on
this Side of the divide of death, that modern science’s status quo physics is ignoring
In favor of AI technology, interfacing and take over, instead. Call Tesla EI or enhanced
Intelligence, we aren’t learning, at least publicly, how nature did it for Tesla.
And another added link:
https://teslauniverse.com/nikola-tesla/articles/miracle-mind-nikola-tesla The internet as part of the wireless energy system Tesla built, and the beginning
computer technology for it, is Tesla’s doing, created from 1895 to 1905. He is really
the true Imitation Games, movie person, we aren’t hearing about. Then stopped
and prevented by the status quo and replaced with Planck’s quantum mechanics
and einstein’s relativity physics. That are garbled camouflaged and impenetrable
sciences, to confuse and prevent the tesla truth from coming out. You basically
have to take non disclosure oaths about them, or lose your job and be black balled
from getting one.
https://www.tfcbooks.com/teslafaq/q&a_024.htm That’s where my ideas come from, that have been put to such confusion and
distorted twists on the internet by the opposition, that it is hard to make out
what is accurate and true, without great effort, focus and testing. Or to get it
out there, in a convincing way.
Basically I, and the sources I consider true and accurate, are still in the crack pot
wrong and way out there, category.
For example Eric Dollard’s meticulous and fascinating 3 hours explanation of
electrical science from Faraday to culminatimh in Tesla, called by Dollard, the
real anti-relativity (which would also include anti-quantum) physics and
physics truth of things. Youtube made him say the lecture was mistitled.
It wasn’t!