Howie Cancelling his .19 warrants..HelloSome of the pumpers on this BB spun this as a very positive sign for Sirona. To me , it was a negative sign as Howie failed to put the warrants into the money. Now we see why...he gave himself a very sweet deal on the new stock options. Plus, he let the other warrants that come do in a week run out of time. Heck, he extended them to reward them...why the change of heart now? My guess is these valued investors are not needed anymore.
I suspect we are going to see:
1- a huge increase in compensation for execs as the company brings in cash flow form any deal
2- More outrages stock option plans which put shareholder value in the hands of management
3- a preferred stock option- if it is not already in place.
Signed: VancouverPig..if you think you're being screwed over now...wait for plan "B"