Micro Growers and "Real Money"Posted this on the WEED board. This market is insane and people actually need to pay f****** attention!
"No, big money is 250 mil in straight cash for 10% of a company. That's actual money. When I say actual money I mean money you can physically spend if they choose to. This was done with minimal dilution while stamping a big fat symbol that says "will never dip below $12.97".
MJN, MARI, hell, look at GHG... GHG literally does nothing but somehow they went from 3 cents to 13 cents over night. Fact is the smart traders are going to take retail for all they are worth. They may have missed the mark on Canopy and maybe APH (hell the may miss with ACB) but the way funds are moving into companies that have no chance of survival is nothing but gambing.
Good luck if you are in these micro growers because as some point this bubble will pop and pop hard.
If anything people should be looking to invest in companies that use the products being grown. IE hemp companies, beverage companies, and any other niche market that can have some success once they have their ingrediants needed to produce their products.
You don't have to listen to some random internet poster but if you are choosing to ignore imaginary valuations on everyone but WEED at this point, I just hope you are smart enough to be a pumper and not a bag holder. The bags will be massive. '