Page 17 in the new presentaion says it all...
If one needs only one reason to own this down here you can find it there. It is titled "Undeveloped base metal projects". IRR of 50% after tax blows all other undeveloped projects out of the water. For example only 2 of the 12 other project detailed in the chart have an IRR above 22%. Hermosa 42% and Kamoa-Kakula 38%. There is NOTHING undeveloped out there with this kind of ultra high grade and incredibly high IRR. Timok seems to be right at the top of the list of most lucrative projects out there. Then we still have the potential of that large high grade (for a porphyry deposit) LZ and other UZ deposits they are currently drilling. Patience is the key here as we do have the goods to propel us much higher in the not too distant future....