Something Big?If there is something big coming its appears insiders and bod members don't seem to care. In the last 100 days they have sold 618,500 shares of tko.
Brian Battison - 170,000
Alexander Morrison - 88,000
Joseph Tremblay - 60,000
Scott Jones - 37,000
Brian Bergot - 21,000
Russell Hallbauer - 88,000
John McManus - 154,000
Most recent sale was McManus on 12/1 of 40,000 at 2.75.
Most of these sales were the result of exercising options and then immediately selling, except Russ who sold his 88,000 shares on 10/13 at 2.95, a couple weeks before Q3 earnings showing good EDITDA but flat change in cash balance(stock went down for a couple days after earnings). Earnings were helped as a good portion of the expense for the quarter was capitalized.
It is one thing to exercise a stock option, another to immediately sell the stock. I guess all of these guys needed groceries or had a better place to put the money.
I am still long TGB and nothing for sale.