PYD - ticker symbol IGAM - Rebranding —To begin trading under new ticker symbol IGAM on January 2, 2018—
VANCOUVER, Dec. 21, 2017 - POYDRAS GAMING FINANCE CORP. (TSX-V: PYD) (OTCQX: PYDGF) ("Poydras" or the "Company") announced today that it is changing its name to Integrity Gaming Corp. ("Integrity") effective January 1, 2018. Poydras has largely operated under its wholly-owned subsidiary Integrity Gaming Inc. in its core markets of Oklahoma and Texas following its acquisition in mid-2015.
"Our name change to Integrity Gaming Corp. allows us to better leverage the strong brand equity of our well-established Integrity Gaming subsidiary, and is a better reflection of our value proposition and our strategic vision of becoming a dominant player in the Tribal gaming market in the U.S." said CEO Peter Macy. "We believe that this name change will resonate well with the market, and will help us generate added traction for our gaming brands and corporate presence", Mr. Macy added.
TSX Venture Exchange will publish its Corporate Finance Bulletin on December 29th at the close of markets to announce the name change. The Company's common shares are expected to begin trading under the new ticker symbol TSX-V: IGAM on January 2, 2018, with no impact to current shareholders.