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Elixxer Ltd V.ELXR

Primary Symbol: V.ELXR.H Alternate Symbol(s):  ELIXF

Elixxer Ltd. is a Canada-based investment company. The Company has investments and activities in the legal cannabis sector. The Company is focused on investing opportunities in various sectors, with a priority on growth companies that are past the start-up phase.

TSXV:ELXR.H - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by ImperialCreditson Jan 05, 2018 2:25pm
Post# 27292194

RE:RE:RE:RE:LGC be like no way we're going to do biz in the US

RE:RE:RE:RE:LGC be like no way we're going to do biz in the USSee, with a little bit of help you’re not so confused anymore.  Don’t worry, I’ll learn ya.
Now get out your crayons and see if you can complete the rest of your proper due diligence.  Try hard, try really really hard.

DuckDive wrote: The strategy changed to exclude the US from the 26 September.

Bullboard Posts