top 3 are market leaderspeople... when you have 3 massive players in the game and all are boasting valuations above 3 BILLION... understand that these beheamoths are global leaders. Canada is establishing 3 massive companies that will lead the global market. I remember when people were snikering at those who bought CANOPY when it was 9bucks and the entire run up that ensued last year with everyone calling it a bubble. This is not a bubble. Those who understand econimics and more impportantly supply chain and distrubution networks... these 3 companies especially CNAOPY and ACB are setting up some big moves that will completely unfold as MJ prohibition dissapears. Look at the top alcohol producers... they are now massive multinational companies. I expect nothing less for these 3 companies going forward. Position yourself with those who are expanding overseas to gain larger distribution networks. ACB is well positioned for growth in the next few years. I was planning on cashing out my investment when I close on my house but... I will hold and nurse this baby to newer highs.