Lets Take a look at the techincalsFirst thing is first, this thing ran up way too fast too soon and I think that is the main cause for what has happened here. People in from 10c were locking in millions of dollars when it peaked and that starts a crazy influx of sellers. What has happened over the last two days is fear and panic. There is a panic selloff that occurred. The value of the company didn't change that drastically over 2 nights. How charts work is that when we have vertical price movement there are always bounces back the other way. This has gone from $2.90 down to 29c in 2 days. Anyone who is shorting this will be covering tomorrow morning first thing. and that combined with some dip buyers will drive the price back up liekly for 2-3 days at least. I do not expect to get back to the highs but I do expect high $1 range at the very least sometime soon. Anyone long don't sweat. U only have 33c to risk losing at this point may as well ride it out