Best-In-Class vs First-In-Class DrugsThis gave me a clearer picture of Best in Class vs First in Class Drugs
Jun 17, 2013 - The value that the new drug offers cannot be overemphasized. That's because the role of the payer - be it governments, health care plans, etc. - is more influential now than ever before. Cutting health care costs is the prime motive in any discussion around making new medicines available to patients. "In a best-in-class approach, you are generally following behind a competitor’s prototype that is already in the clinic and which has, presumably, been proven to work in patients. In cases like this, those trailing the leader hope to bring to market a new drug that can be a viable competitor to the original one. Here the risk isn’t that the drug won’t work; rather, the risk lies in whether your drug possesses any improvement over the leader, which has already established itself on the market."