POSTS MAKE ME LAUGHI seldom post however, as a long time shareholder, your posts are interesting. One can definitely tell by a post the level of intelligence or market experience or sophistication the person who posts has. "tootoot", "xGoldminer and a few others don't have the faintest idea of what you are talking about. I suggest you sell your stock....Do yourself a favour, cut your claim to know everything. Sell your stock! You obviously have no idea what management has done in the past, currently doing or what the company's forward plan is. Good bye! nuff said!!! Suffice to say, rollbacks are generally not positive primarily because most juniors or exploration companies, either lack focus in a specific commodity, don't a management team, or don't have a quality project. Sadly, there is also abuse regarding corporate treasury with some pub-co's. NCGC's share structure was out of whack! It was a fat pig! like it or not, that's reality! The company tried to attract financing dollars however, because of it's share structure, it was unable to secure financing. End of story. You want to complain...then why didn't you pony up? NCGC has an excellent property and I challenge anyone reading this who disagrees to inbox me or open a dialogue... If you're not comfortable with management's performance, Please sell you position and move on... Thank you. Now for the rest of you.... Management of LAD has worked diligently in accordance with each and every new release in its history. Here's more reality. Pre-consolidation, LAD was trading at 2.5 -.3 cents per share. This translates to .25 -.30 cents post consolidation.. Now LAD trades at .45 cents or 4.5 cents post consolidation. That's positive and you cannot disagree with numbers! Anyone who has done any degree of due diligence regarding LAD, knows this is a value proposition. If LAD is NOT your brand of vodka, no problem... Stop complaining! It's childish....don't go away angry....just go away! Perhaps I'm out to lunch and risk losing the money I've invested....That's my business.