RE:RE:RE:Wow wow wow 32 towers order received by AFILol no your just a fkn moron who bought all the bashers Bullshy! also are clueless..your posts when you were Pro AFI were a joke and always wrong.. Learned your lesson from Harrys? Harrys is halted at .60 and will erupt into dollars when it opens..and now VDL is going public in BGD, also halted.. So now we have AFI the retailer of the tech/food. We have Harrys to roll cannabis cigs with huge revenue already from tobacco sales, and VDL/VDA/ VDwhatever as the patent design firm/grower, all connected, all working together..Fact of the matter is Nick brilliantly set up a trifecta powerhouse that's about to cut out a HUGE piece of the pie..poor lost Brootal ! Maybe go join the carnival and be that poor clown that always gets the fk beat out of him..maybe you'll feel better..maybe the chick with the beard will fall in love with you and you can have little bearded brootals and live happily ever after..but in the mean time go brootaly fk yourself..and maybe talk about s!t you know a little about, like always being
Brootal wrote: lol I just read the press release and came here to see if anyone else figured that out. They are buying and selling from themselves!! Nick is a con artist over and over. So glad I learned my lesson with Harrys International Tobacco lol. God what a piece of garbage Nick is.