Bluebomber6 wrote: Bj, you got it bad for macman, see him everywhere, he in ur head bad! He been slammin you, callin u out so bad, he been almost abusin u in public and you come back for more!! Definitely Stockholm syndrome, bj! Macman, stop abusing bj. Not nice abusing childish minds, even if they lie all the time!
So, BJ, i pleaded with macman to be nice to you, but you have to do ur bit too! See shrink, say u r addicted to macmans abuse, take two aspirin, go to sleep and you good to go tmorrow! Try, you will like, but get macman out of ur head, he screwing your skull and you lovin it!!
bionicjoe wrote: Macman1519, I don't understand why you bother to flip from macman1519 to Bluebomber6 and then back? I don't see the point when you just pick up where the other left off. Is there some purpose known only to you?