*** NEWS!!!! *** Aurora's most recent harvest!!! BLUE DREAM!April 29th, 2018 (Vancouver) It's with great pleasure to announce that Aurora Cannabis has harvested the world's most popular strain, Blue Dream. It's currently undergoing drying,curing and packaging. It will be made available on its online shop shortly. "Yes, we are very excited to see this top strain come out of Aurora. It will be availabe as buds or milled although the markets prefer to see this top strain as crystally flowers" said an anonymous source close to the company.
Blue Dream was made popular in California and is the top strain on the West Coast. Other parts of the continent are just discovering it. After all, everything hip originates from the West.
"Aurora can't advertise Blue Dream of course because it's currenty available to just the more saavy users who get notes from their doctors. Coming legalization, Aurora can't advertise it but the strain will be PROmoted via leading strain review sites like leafly.com" said the anonymous source.
Ask if the anonymous source was hired by Aurora, the source confirmed "Absolutely not!!! In fact Aurora probably wants to drag my butt in front of the courts because I've been critical with some of their operations, but hey, I know a Monster when I see one!" Said the source "Monsters generally respect Monsters, that's how it works!".
"Aurora is calling this strain Ambition instead of leveraging the well known strain name. It would make sense that these top producers be the first out of the gate to announce oil-based strain instead of the generic blend junk widely available". Said the source very familiar with the company.
Patients, consumers and investors should verify all NEWS to ensure accuracy. Please review the information under "Coming Soon - Harvested" at