think about itI see many outcomes for Bisha postulated, they all include a rather cavalier attitude that some buyer will strike a deal and assume an ownership role in Bisha and proceed from there without a thought to perhaps consider the opinion or desire of the State of Eritrea. Trust me, I don't care who buys Bisha or what complex structuring it involves, if Eritrea does not want you in their country, guess what, you are not going to enter their country and you can kiss your money goodbye. The working relationship between Nevsun and the State of Eritrea did not just happen overnight and is much more complex than many suitors may care to mire themselves in. For the moment Bisha serves a significant purpose, it is the only revenue stream for Nevsun and appears to be capable of financing Nevsun immediate needs, the bigger question is while the jockeying for position plays out, what is the real Nevsun end game?