The regulators are impotent...The @BCSC_Info @OSC_News @cse_cst are not frustrated by regulatory limitations; as they have the power to regulate! What the problem that they are impotent and lack any kind of integrity to protect and ensure a fair market system. And if you disagree; then tell me why there reputations precede them worldwide? Why is it that they get awarded this distinction? I wonder why does a company/BODs need to hire that many consultants re: CRYP? Or the EASY fiasco unwinding there PP! You regulators promote criminal activity becuz you allow criminal predatory boards to exist and operate by turning a blind eye? If you didn’t turn a blind eye to layering, spoofing, predatory shorting, algo’s etc. etc. etc. to exist, liquidity would probably dry up becuz you lack the integrity to promote a fair market system and build volume based on a transparent system of integrity! What gets me is; the regulators know this and they still sleep good at night! Heh, it’s a job! #AllSharesMatter